隨著童書暢銷 , 夏綠蒂的網的電影版在今天上映囉!
官網 http://www.charlotteswebmovie.com/site/index.php 散發著童話風味
點選後會進入人物介紹篇 → 內有提供給不同年齡階層的兒童們 , 動手動腦的拼字或其它遊戲喔
童話書可以是小朋友甚至是大朋友的啟蒙讀物 (別像我是看鬼故事長大的...)
更重要的是 moji 最近強調的 moral teaching , 抑或文學角度的 explicit / implicit themes 應該能派上用場
以下 , 純屬個人讀完後對這本可愛書的小小分析啦


Charlotte's Web by E.B WHITE

Brief description of the story:

Wilbur is a sentimental pig.
At first, Fern’s father has decided to butcher him.
However, Wilbur is saved by Fern’s objection against her father’s cruel behavior and sent to Zuckerman’s barn.
Fern spends lots of time visiting Wilbur and silently listening to each conversation of animals.
One day, Wilbur has learned about the fact that he will be killed and he doesn’t want to die.
Charlotte, a smart and motherly spider, feels sorry for Wilbur and promises to save him.
Therefore, she weaves some words on her webs to show people that Wilbur is a “some pig”.
The magic signs soon attract many people to visit Zuckerman’s barn.
Finally, Wilbur receives a special prize from the Fair and his success relieves Charlotte.
In the end, Wilbur is saved but Charlotte dies, leaving her offspring.
Although Wilbur’s true friend dies, life goes on and on.

Types of Narrative Order:

1.Chronological Order:E.B.WHITE writes the story from chapter 1-Before Breakfast to last chapter-A Warm Wind in chronological order.
2.Flashbacks:Charlotte tells Wilbur about her cousins’ stories (P. 102).
→ “ Once upon a time, I had a beautiful cousin who managed to build her web across a mall stream……”

Revelation of characters:

>> round character
There is no doubt that Wilbur is a round character.
His change lies mainly in Charlotte’s encouragements and of course, the most important factor is his growth.
His life is routine early in the story.
For example, “he ate three big meals a day.
He spent long hours lying on his side, half asleep, dreaming pleasant dreams.
He enjoyed good health and he gained a lot of weight.”
Moreover, since he is still a young, immature pig, he is always panic about bad news.
For instance, the old sheep told him: ”They’re fattening you up because they’re going to kill you, that’s why.”
“They’re going to what?” screamed Wilbur.
The goose also thought: “There are a lot of things Wilbur doesn’t know about life. He’s really a very innocent little pig…”
He can’t face the horrible fact and bear the loneliness with positive thoughts until he encounters Charlotte.
Charlotte soon plays an indispensable role in Wilbur’s life.
Wilbur treats her as a true friend and a good writer.
Because of her help and support, Wilbur is getting more and more brave.
For example, Charlotte taught him some radiant actions, he tried his best to live up Charlotte’s expectation, and then, “I feel radiant,” said Wilbur.
He even comes up with an idea to save Charlotte’s egg sac instead of crying.
From author’s viewpoint, although Wilbur became the center of attraction on the farm,
“ he was modest; fame did not spoil him. He still worried some about the future, as he could hardly believe that a mere spider would be able to save his life….
No pig ever had truer friends, and he realized that friendship is one of the most satisfying things in the world….
If he could distinguish himself at the Fair, and maybe win some prize money, he was sure Zuckerman would let him live.”
In my opinion, this paragraph explicitly describes Wilbur’s changes.
Besides, Wilbur will never forget Charlotte no matter how many years come and go.
We can realize their firm and sincere friendship.

>> static character
I think there are many static characters in this book, but I prefer choosing Templeton as an example.
The rat Templeton keeps the same personalities and behaviors in the whole story.
We can tell from his action and speech that he is a careful and sneaking rat.
“Right now I am on my way to your trough to eat your breakfast, since you haven’t got sense enough to eat it yourself.”
And Templeton crept stealthily along the wall and disappeared into a private tunnel that he had dug between the door and the trough in Wilbur’s yard.
Besides, he is selfish and views his interest as priority.
“Please, please, please, Templeton, climb up and get the egg sac.” The rat yawned.
He straightened his whiskers.
“Templeton,” Wilbur said, “I will make you a solemn promise. Get Charlotte’s egg sac for me, and from now on I will let you eat first, when Lurvy slopes me. ….”
The rat sat up. ”You mean that?” he said.
“I promise. I cross my heart.” “All right, it’s a deal.”
And he is also a greedy rat as he ate the remains of thirty lunches at the Fair.
During the competition, Templeton also said: “ I’m not going to spend all my time fetching and carrying. I came to this Fair to enjoy myself, not to deliver papers.”
He thinks that’s not his business.
Furthermore, in the goose and the gander’s eyes, they were worried about Templeton. And with good reason.
“The rat had no morals, no conscience, no scruples, no consideration, no decency…”
Similarly, in Wilbur’s view, he thought: “That crazy rat! Why does he have to stay up all night, grinding his clashers and destroying people’s property? Why can’t he go to sleep, like any decent animal?”
Because Templeton’s personalities and behaviors are different from those animals in the story, the author gives the name to distinguish him from other roles.
In author’s mind, Templeton likes to persist in his old ways.

Patterns of Action:

The story belongs to pattern 3: White successfully creates several hooks and suspenses to keep us read on.
→ From the first line in the first chapter, Fern asks one question that initial Wilbur’s struggle with death and life: “WHERE’S Papa going with that ax?“
→ “ Do you want a friend, Wilbur? ” It said. “ I’ll be a friend to you. I’ve watched you all day and I like you.” “ But I can’t see you,” said Wilbur, jumping to his feet. “ Where are you? And who are you?” “ I’m right up here. “ said the voice. “ Go to sleep. You’ll see me in the morning. “ (P. 31)
→ He has no idea that Mr. Zuckerman and Lurvy are plotting to kill him. < Readers may curious about what if Wilbur knows the truth? > (P. 40)
→ Almost all yound pigs get murdered by the farmer as soon as the real cold weather sets in. There’s a regular conspiracy around here to kill you at Christmastime. Everybody is in the plot…. < Will pigs all die ? > (P. 49)
→ Charlotte’s going to save Wilbur. < How can a tiny spider save a pig? > (P. 51)
→ I am working on a plan to save you. < How to save Wilbur? > (P. 63)
→ “The way to save Wilbur’s life is to play a trick on Zuckerman. If I can fool a bug,” thought Charlotte, “I can surely fool a man. People are not as smart as bugs.” < What kinds of tricks Charlotte will use? And it seems that suspense is going to have a good resolution > (P. 67)
→ If he could distinguish himself at the Fair, and maybe win some prize money, he was sure Zuckerman would let him live. < Can Wilbur win the competition? > (P. 115)

The Climax: The story reaches the high point and suspenses and conflicts listed above are all resolved.
→ And now one of the judges climbed into the ring with the prizes. He handed Mr.Zuckerman two ten dollar bills and a five dollar bill. Then he tied the medal around Wilbur’s neck……It is deeply satisfying to win a prize in front of a lot of people (P. 160).
→ Your future is assured. You will live, secure and safe, Wilbur. < Wilbur has nothing to worry about > (P. 163)
→ In the days that followed, he was very happy. He grew to a great size. He no longer worried about being killed, for he knew that Mr.Zuckerman would keep him as long as he lived (P. 172).

Denouement: Charlotte uses three magical signs to save Wilbur’s life at last.
In order to express his deep gratitude, Wilbur and Templeton reach a bargain about who eats first at Wilbur’s trough.
Wilbur then safely < no more panic > brings back egg sac to the barn and takes good care of Charlotte’s children.
“ Life in the barn was very good-night and day, winter and summer, spring and fall, dull days and bright days....” (P.183)
Since Charlotte’s Web is ended with resolution, it belongs to a closed ending.
*Charlotte’s Web is called progressive plot.

References: Charlotte's Web & some anonymous websites

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